Singles events, let's face it, can be a rather daunting experience whatever your circumstance for being there may be. Perhaps you have recently endured a breakup, maybe you made a decision to be more pro-active in your search for that someone or could it be that you have completely saturated all of the latest apps and are totally fed up of all the chatting and not *actually* meeting? Either way, the reason why you may have landed at a soirée doesn't matter but ensuring you can confidently navigate your way around certainly does. Here are 7 simple steps to navigating the singles scene swimmingly when at an event....
#1 Leave Your Agenda At The Door. Arriving at a singles event with little to no expectations will prevent you from setting yourself up to fail. Go along with the idea in mind that you will make new friends, acquaintances and anything else would be a real bonus. This way the pressure will be off and you can just concentrate on having a marvellous time without going through your list of memorised questions for all those potentials.
#2 Don’t Compare Yourself To Your Competition. Events really do give you a true view of what is actually out there in the singles pool, (3D view out of app) of those who are like-minded to you, especially if you've headed to an event with a specific age range or criteria suited to what you are looking for. Wasting energy looking around to see what the competition is like in the room will be not only a distraction to the reason you are really there but will also be detrimental to progress in finding a partner. Work the room and make sure you leave knowing you have shown the best side of you, leaving the best first impression. We all know you never get a second chance to make that first impression.
#3 Talk About Anything Other Than Work. Opening a conversation with names and what one does for a living can sometimes lead down a garden path to nowhere in particular. Try and talk about plans for Summer travels, interests, hobbies and even plans for the upcoming weekend. You will certainly find the conversation will tend to take many more dynamic turns than talking facts and figures from the trading floor or email intake for the day. If your job is your passion and it really speaks volumes about who you are as a person, then this is an exception to the rule, this is certainly okay.
#4 Be The Most Confident You. As Oscar Wilde would say - “Be Yourself Everyone Else Is Taken” If you end up chatting away to someone that you find quite attractive then you should shine through as the most confident you that you can be. Be authoritative in your choice of conversation, but most of all be the most authentic you. One thing I would say about singles events is that being shy, coy and modest might not get you any further down the road to your happy-ever-after as everyone is there, in that room, to mix and mingle; so get stuck in.
#5 Be Fearless In The Pursuit Of Your Person. If someone across the room catches your eye and you feel the urge to chat to them then you must do just that, don't let the opportunity pass you by. That certain someone has arrived at this event for the same reasons that you have. If you find yourself settled into a your comfort zone with your plus one then chances are that those potential great dates under your nose are about to get away. Make sure you are working the room and save all mate-dates and cosy catch up's with friends until Sunday Brunch for when you're not surrounded by a pool of potentials.
#6 Go It Alone. Most of the greatest singles events success stories I have ever come across in my time as a meddling matchmaker have been with those singles have been the boldest of the bold and headed to singles events alone. Going it alone means that no distractions are posed by friends, wing-men or wing-women and so it's just you and a room of really wonderful singles professionals looking for love. Sound scary? Chances are you will end up chatting to an eligible single in the same boat as you and who knows, you might just hit it off.
#7 Don't Drink Excessively. Despite popular belief that a few drinks will steady your nerves before a singles event the reality is those that drink too much can sometimes stand out like a sore thumb. By all means, have one before you arrive or just as you arrive but that is more than enough to get you in the swing of things. The likelihood is that those singles attending an actual event will be a friendly bunch anyway.
Another great tip is to get chatting with whoever is hosting the singles event you are attending, it may really help. Tell him or her about the kind of person you are looking to meet and who knows, they may just have the person in mind for you and this could save you a whole lot of working the room and time. No pressure for love at first sight, but chances are, you will have more luck at an event than trying to find love at first swipe.
To join in the fun at a London Singles Event and meet a pool of potentials check out upcoming events here.