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A Guide For Couple's: Navigating The Conversation Around EPs

The Time to Raise It movement looks to remove the shame and stigma associated with erection problems and to put the joy back into sex. The movement, backed by an alliance of different organisations and individuals including Viatris, the Men’s Health Forum, Brook, and our founder Relationship Expert Sarah Louise Ryan, aims to normalise erection problems with three specific goals:

  • Challenge the lack of honest and open representation when it comes to the reality of sex, love, erection problems, and intimacy today

  • Remove the sense of isolation attached to erection problems for men and their partners through honest conversation and sharing about the prevalence and causes of erection problems

  • Reconnect men and their partners to each other and to sex through open education, cultural references and media conversations


Types of intimacy to consider

Types of communication

How to start the EP conversation

Key communication - The 6 C's

How to navigate the conversation

An introduction to non-penetrative pleasure

Exploring non-penetrative pleasure conversationally

Exploring non-penetrative pleasure physically

Further steps for continued EP support

Relationship rejuvenation support with Sarah Louise Ryan of Love Lessons



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